How to Study for a Test for College Effectively

One of the most important skills any high school or college student can have is that of studying effectively for tests. If you are able to study effectively, it makes your academic career that much easier for you! It is possible to go into a test knowing everything necessary, but if you can’t recall what you’ve learned in an efficient manner, then the information won’t do you much good.

Are you wondering – “how do I study really well for a test”? In this article, you will how to study for a test effectively in college by applying very simple tips.

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How to study for a test: 10 Steps

Using the following study tips will help you to study for a test effectively and improve your grades!

  1. Make yourself comfortable: If you’re studying in a more casual setting, then make sure that you are as comfortable as can be. This can mean anything from wearing loose clothing such as sweats (and yes, studying is as casual as you can get) to having water nearby. There are no “right” or “wrong” ways to study, but do what you can to make yourself comfortable and avoid distractions like studying in the library (even though it’s quiet).
  2. Create a schedule: If you want to be able to effectively study for a test in college, then you’re going to need to know how long your test is and when it is. This may be something you ask the professor, but if not then search online for information about the test. Once you have created an outline of when and for how long the test will be, create a schedule that outlines what you’ll study each day or during that time period. It’s OKAY to give yourself breaks in between studying sections too!
  3. Focus on ONE subject at a time: This might seem like common sense, but many students end up trying to study multiple things at once only to realize they learned nothing from any of them. When studying one subject make sure that all of your focus is directed towards it without ever straying away for too long.
  4. Find the best time for you to study: Different students will find that they are able to study more effectively at different times of the day. It might be first thing in the morning or after dinner, but make sure that studying is scheduled for a time when your mind is fresh and ready to take on new information. There are many factors involved in learning, so figuring out what works best for you can make all the difference!
  5. Review old notes: If you haven’t been going to class regularly, then it might be a good idea to look through your old notes. Most teachers have their lectures online already which means less paper necessary which helps to save trees! Any written material from previous lectures is a great way to start studying and can provide a strong base for new information.
  6. Read through the material: The only way you’re going to learn something is by reading it! If you don’t understand anything, then writing down any questions or notes that come to mind about these ideas will help you out later when you study. This requires that you read everything carefully and completely without rushing through it if possible (multiple times isn’t necessary), but getting your hands on the material in some way is vital.
  7. Form a study group: Having friends who are also studying can be helpful because they may already know what you need to focus on, may ask questions that reveal new information, and help keep everyone accountable for studying. This can be a great way to have a little bit of fun while still being productive, but always remember that the primary goal is to study!
  8. Make tea and take tea breaks: This one may seem random (or like common sense), but having tea ready when you go back to your studies at hand can make all the difference. The scent and taste allow part of your brain to relax and regenerate itself which will make staying alert much easier. Tea has been scientifically proven to improve memory and concentration, so why not give it a shot? Take breaks every now and then: After focusing on something for long periods of time, we start to lose focus because we’ve become tired or distracted. Taking breaks after about 20 minutes of studying will help you to feel refreshed and ready to work again. This is a great way to get up from your chair every now and then too! It may not seem like much, but even stretching or walking around can make a huge difference in how productive you are during study time.
  9. Be organized: Organization is key to better studying. This might seem obvious, but keep all your materials in one spot when going back and forth from class. Having everything already laid out for when it’s time to review can save a whole lot of time that would be wasted looking for something that was never put away in the first place.
  10. Relax and Have fun: Remember to find time to do things you enjoy! Whether it’s playing video games or watching netflix, keep in mind that studying is necessary but not the only thing that matters. Staying well-rounded and having a good work/life balance can help you become more productive when it comes time to study for a test. So, with all that being said, go out there and ace that test!

3 best ways to study for a test

Wondering which is the best way to study for a test in college? In this article find out about reading, note taking and summarizing.

The best way to study for a test is the way that works the best for you. However, if you’re not a fan of lectures in class, then here are some studying tips to help!


Studying from a textbook can be very helpful in college classes. Many people choose to highlight or underline important information while reading through their course material. This technique may work well for some individuals but even better is highlighting major vocabulary words and looking them up later on when studying for a test so you have a better idea of what they mean since they might not have been taught during lecture week. Some students use flash cards to put all these highlighted words and definitions together as a way to study.


Taking notes in class is already a habit for some students so it can be useful to review these notes before studying for a test. If you are not one of the students that takes copious notes, there are other ways to stay alert during lecture. One excellent way of taking good notes is rewriting your own personalized notes after class by using what you learn from lecture and what you think will be important on the test. Most colleges have online websites where instructors post their powerpoints with additional information that might come in handy during your exam. Students who are conscientious about this will definitely have an advantage over those who didn’t bother reviewing these extra materials! Come exam time, make sure you know all the extra notes and read them over a few times so you know what to look out for!


Studying from the source material is the best way to study for a test. You can do this by summarizing main points if you feel like you’d rather not read every detail of your textbook. One good technique is focusing on bullet point summaries when reviewing class notes before an exam, which can help reduce stress and be more efficient in testing time because you’re spending less time rereading pages and more time recollecting information that’s important enough to write down in full sentences with details.

These studying tips will make it easier to tackle any midterms and finals coming up this semester!

How to study for a test in one day

To study for a test in one day, take notes from the lecture and create flashcards. As you make flashcards, organize them in a way where the cards representing information from earlier lectures are on top while the cards for words that were introduced later are on bottom. Once finished making your cards, review all of them at least three times a day by looking at each card and saying what it is. If it’s an image, say what it represents; if it’s a word representing knowledge learned in one of the lectures, say what that means or how it applies to another concept.

One day before taking any type of test (exam, quiz, assignment), make sure to get plenty of rest. Also, try to complete any homework or other assignments that were given before the test.

Related resources:

  1. How to study for a math test
  2. How to focus on homework
  3. How to motivate yourself to do homework
  4. How to avoid homework distractions

Final Words

Now you know how to study really well for a test in one night. Good luck in all your classes, exams and tests!

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