The Role of the Internet within Business Models

The Role of the Internet within Business Models

Background and objectives 4

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Chapter one – Introduction 5

1.1 Background 5

1.2 Rational of the research 6

1.3 Research Statement 6

1.4 Aims of the research 6

1.5 Justifications 7

Chapter Two – Literature Review 8

2.1 Introduction 8

2.2 Internet Business Model Framework 8

2.3 Taxonomies of Internet business model 10

2.4 Past research studies 12

Chapter Three – Methodology 14

3.1 introduction 14

3.2 Conceptual Framework 14

3.3 Rationalization of Variables 15

3.3.1 Communication 16

3.3.2 Corporate Image 16

3.3.3 Revenue 16

3.3.4 Human Resource 16

3.3.5 Database management 17

3.4 Formulation of Hypothesis 17

3.5 Research Design 18

3.5.1 Sampling 19

3.5.2 Data Collection 20

3.5.3. Data Analysis 20

3.5.4. Quetiontinare Relation to the Conceptional Framework 20

3.5.5. Justification of the conceptional framework 21

3.6 Ethical Consideration 21

3.7 Gantt chart 22

Chapter Four – Results and Discussions 23

4.1 Hypothesis Testing 23

4.2 Results 25

Chapter Five – Findings and Conclusion 28

5.1 Introduction 28

5.2 Findings 28

5.3 Conclusion 29

5.4 Limitations of the Study 29

Chapter Six- Bibliography 31

Chapter Seven – Appendix 32

7.1 Research Questionnaire 32

7.2 Results of the questions 34

7.3 Average values of the data 35

7.4 Multiple Regression Analysis 35


Background and objectives

The introduction of internet to the business world has revitalize how the business operations are conducted both locally and global market. The dependence of business on the usage of internet and its related infrastructure has been largely attributed to the increase globalization of market and increase interdependent of one another for day to day operations. This study aimed to find “What are the impacts of internet brought onto the event sector organizations in London?”

Methods and Materials

For the proposed research study primary source of information had been gathered through likert questionnaires distributed among 15 small and medium event sector organizations managers operating in London. To analyse purposes Multiple regression analysis was used. The Minitap software was used for this particular analysis.


According to the above correlation, coefficient ,P-value and T-value we can determine that communication and revenue generation via the internet positivivly impact on the event organization in the London.


In the dynamic world internet is very important to sustain in the dynamic world. Specially who are dealing with the event sector organization in London. Eventhough internet highly impact on different procedures in the event sector organization in London internet has a high impact on communication and the revenue generation. The organizatins which are doing th business in the event sector has concentrate on the internet to sustain in the market. Specially they have make strategies to utilize the internet in the communication metohs as well as the revenue generation streams to get competitive advantage in the London market.

Chapter one – Introduction

1.1 Background

The introduction of internet to the business world has revitalize how the business operations are conducted both locally and global market. The dependence of business on the usage of internet and its related infrastructure has been largely attributed to the increase globalization of market and increase interdependent of one another for day to day operations. Through the usage of internet organization poses the capability of generating sales beyond the borders of its traditional markets, conduct business transactions in 24 hours and even carry out business operations without the need of having physical business premises. (Burns-Millyard 2009)

Global business units inculcate internet and related infrastructure in numerous ways which enable several benefits for organizations. For example, through the usage of internet business organizations possess the ability of connecting with potential market base spread throughout globally and reach these market bases with lower operational cost and increase its local and global market presence leading to increase profitability of the organization. (Balle 2014) Also through the usage of internet would also enable organizations to increase the effective collaboration with suppliers and procure higher quality materials needed for production leading to lower operational and inventory cost. Perhaps this benefit can be attributed as the most significant contribution of internet to business organizations due to the fact that integration of internet would allow organization to increase its awareness of market through in detail market analysis, streamlining internal business processers to save time and reduce labor cost and in deliver superior value added product and services to end consumer.

In the context of event management and organizations involved in event management, internet plays a significant role in its day to day activities. Event management is a service where an organization would provide event management services such as planning, promotion, organization and presentation on behalf of its consumers. These events would vary from different scopes such as sports, art, business, economic, cultural and entertainment etc. In order to successfully conclude an event, organization who undertook the project need to ensure the laid down objectives of the event is fully achieved during the pre developed milestones.

To do so one of the key mechanisms utilized by the event management organizations is the use of internet. Through the internet, these organizations could not only effectively communicate and coordinate different suppliers in different geographic regions, it would also enable project management teams to gather and store data through effective data base management systems, increase awareness among general public through marketing and web based promotional campaigns and carry out state of the art visual designing as done by world famous theatrical art and performance group Cirque de Soleil. (Dan 2015)

1.2 Rational of the research

Role of internet plays a key role in many industries, especially so in the event sector. Event industry which can be broadly subdivided into Sports, Business and artistic events is largely depended on the internet for success and failure. For example, the success of London Olympic event back in year 2012 was largely attributed to the strategic use of internet from gathering sponsorships to acquiring and coordination of suppliers spread throughout globally in order to successfully complete the construction of Olympic stadium and event locations on time at required quality standards.

The main focus point of this research study is to identify the attributes which the internet brings upon the organizations operating in event sector in London and the level of positive and negative impact it creates upon the business. As mentioned earlier, in today’s highly competitive business world, internet plays a key role in the success and failure of an organization and as such it is imperative the management of organizations clearly identify the importance of internet and the strategic use of internet to obtain better outcome for the organization from internal and external environment.

1.3 Research Statement

Based on the above given introduction to the research topic and rationale of the study, the author of this study can establish the research statement as follows.

“What are the impacts of internet brought onto the event sector organizations in London?”

1.4 Aims of the research

Based on above developed research statement, the author can develop the research objectives as follows.

  • To identify the key roles played by the internet in event sector organization in London.
  • To identify the positive and negative impact created by the internet on even sector organization in London.
  • To identify suitable recommendations for event sector organizations in amalgamation of internet for day to day operations.

1.5 Justifications

Internet plays a significant role in business models operating within the event sector. A success or failure of an event would largely depend on its ability to attract viewers and in order to attract viewers it is compulsory that event sector organization establish a strong internet presence. By establishing a strong web presence, event sector organizations posses the capability to disperse information for wider audience creating wider awareness among the target consumers and attract them for events creating higher sales and profitability. As such one of the main justifications of undertaking this research study stems from the internet and its importance as a medium of communication and dispersing information among the intended market of event sector organizations.

While the use of the internet brings upon its own benefits for the organization, it also brings certain degree of negative externalities for the event sector organizations as well. For example, if a private or a public event organized by an event organization failed to live up to its expectation, the bad reputation of such event would not only spread among the local communities but also within the global communities due to the Internet. Through the internet news and information with regard to such events would be spread all across the globe where each and every individual who poses linkage to the internet would be aware of the failure of the event leading to increase reputation damage to the event management organization. As such, it is imperative organizations clearly identify the importance and impacts created by the internet on the organization’s performance and align its organizational strategies and objectives to be in-line with key roles of the internet.

Chapter Two – Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the focus would be placed on the underpinning research literature and previous studies conducted on the subject research area. Through the usage of theoretical models, framework and theories the author of this report intends to develop the conceptual framework which would be utilized as a yardstick in conducting the proposed research study.

2.2 Internet Business Model Framework

Internet business model or internet powered revenue model is a framework developed by (Krcmar 2011) which emphasizes the usage of the internet and how internet can be integrate into the generic business model in order to heighten the revenue generation.

Advertising – Based on this model one of the key attribute of internet in business models is the advertising content. That is through the use of internet organizations are placed in a better position in generating income through placing online advertisements, social media marketing and contextual advertising, etc. While creating a brand/event awareness among the target market, organizations could also utilize the internet to earn additional income through above mentioned methods.

Commerce – Internet based commercial transactions is another new entry into business models which has enabled organizations to conduct business transactions on any given day at any given location. As a matter of facts, internet has enabled business organizations to carry out its operations without having the need of a physical business operations place.

Data – Through the use of internet organizations possess the capability of gathering and storing data and information in a systematic order for better processing and analysis. Further, organizations have more capability and ability to gather market and competitor information through internet which would enable organizations to conduct more thorough and insightful strategy development process.

Infomediary – The Internet is another medium which can be utilized by various business models in order to spread information to its target market and increase the product/service awareness. Through the use of internet organizations can not only create awareness about the organization and its product/service within the local market, but also among global clientele who has access to the internet and related infrastructure.

Community – The Internet is sourced which can be utilized by business models in order to create an affiliation and create a community of followers. Through the use of internet organizations can maintain a high social media presence where they can keep its readers/viewers in touch with the latest product developments, news and views with regard to organization, upcoming products and its performance.

2.3 Taxonomies of Internet business model

Taxonomies business Model developed by (Zott 2010) argued that adaptation of internet in business models was not done from the first day of introduction of the internet, but rather stage by stage basis with the influence of management decision and stakeholder pressure. The author of above research developed following business perspectives which are applicable to business models integrated with the Internet.

Real World Based model: Prior to the induction of internet for the business operations, many of the managers prefers to stick to what they know and heavily rely on data gathered through primary sources for decision making which are time consuming and costly. With the transfer of the traditional business model of virtual worlds has opened up a vast potential for business organizations to expand into and grab opportunities which are spread across both local and global markets.

Cyber Models: Internet brings along rapid innovation and it is compulsory organizations embrace continous innovation as an integral cog in business models in order to sustain in the market. This is due to the fact that, most often than not, business organization would operate in a market environment where the vast number of organizations would be competing to cater into the same market and as such, companies needs to continually stay one step ahead of its closest competitors in order to maintain and increase its final margin levels.

Marketing focused models: Under this approach it is explained that the internet is used as a mechanism for addressing potential consumers and identifying and satisfying their needs for specific product or service. Further, it encourages consumers to use the new technology to provide their opinion and feedback on the product and services consumed in order to improve the quality levels of the product and service quality offered.

Consumer relationship based model: This model address how the Internet business models which is focused on building customer relationships describe situations by taking advantage of internet technology to create long term relationship with existing and potential consumers. Through the usage of mediums such as feedback counters, blogs and social media sites, organizations keep in touch with its consumer segment, constantly seeking their feedback and expectations on how the organization can improve their performance and provide superior customer care for its consumers.

Value chain based model: This approach explains the position of the organization in the value chain when using the internet for conducting its processes. Most of the business organizations today fully utilize the internet to manage its supply chain and maintain its inventory level at an optimal level. Through the usage enterprise resource management softwares (ERP) with collaboration of internet organizations posses the capability of procuring high quality resources from various suppliers spread across the global market within a shorter time period and reduce the overall operational lead time of the organization.

Network based model: This is a sub category of value chain based approach where organizations would utilize the internet for horizontal and vertical integration and manage a network of parties with high efficiency and effectively.

Combined model approach: It is argued that some companies rather than proceeding with one single approach as defined above, they persue combination of approach when integrating the internet in their business models.

2.4 Past research studies

Bambury (1998) in his research article concluded that business models can be differentiated based on the usage of the internet as “those which existed in ‘real” world and those which were born with internet”. He argued that traditional organizations which were start up before the dominance of the internet would be more product dominance where the emphasis is given more towards physical product trade off from B2B and B2C market segments. On the other hand, business which were start up with the internet were more technological oriented where the sale of goods was conducted based on methods such as host merchant websites and online retail websites.

Ascertaining the same philosophy, Porra (2000) re-validated above findings by arguing that there are three different types of businesses according to their internet strategy. These models can be identified as traditional companies, transitional companies and all digital companies. Porra went on to define that traditional company’s use internet as an extension of the current business model and that the usage of internet is based on ad-hoc basis. On the other hand transitional companies are those organizations which are in the process of transitioning the entire business into the internet. These business models have incorporated its business structure along with the internet through mechanisms such as online websites, forums, blogs and e-mail services etc. Finally the all digital companies are where the entire operations of the organization are depending on the internet. Business models such as online auctions use internet to derive income where the organization charges for postings and for subsequent business transactions.

In terms of how the internet has impacted the business models from the introduction of the internet to the business world, (Vitez 2007) argued that the internet has paved way for companies to automate manual operations and processes carried out by organizations resulting in costing savings and speedier delivery of outputs. Further, he went onto explain that the usage of internet has enabled organizations to communicate and transfer information with a wider number of receivers within shorter duration enabling potential consumers based anywhere in the world to analyze product and service offerings of the organization and make an informative purchase decision.

(Hamel 2009) in his research article stated that since the inception of the Internet many organization associate the internet mainly for marketing and promotional purposes. He argued that while innovation and creative idea generation propels organizations towards sustainability and gaining competitive advantage over its closest competitor, it’s still doesn’t generate organization the much needed cash flow and profitability without generating sales. To do so, organizations turn towards amalgamating the usage of the internet in order to convince potential market base about the innovative product and service and convince them to purchase the product or service.

Chapter Three – Methodology

3.1 introduction

The third chapter of this research study focus on the research methodology that the author will follow through in order to fulfill the research objectives stated under chapter two. The first step of this methodology is to develop the conceptual framework based on the input and data gathered through a detailed literature review conducted in above chapter. Furthermore, based on the literature review and the research statement given in earlier chapters, the author has developed a hypothesis which would be tested and descriptive analysis given under data analysis and discussion chapter.

Also within this chapter, the author has indicated the in detail research design. That is, research approaches followed up the by the author, data collection and sampling methods integrated and finally statistical tools utilized to analyze data and information gathered from this research. Information about these procedures are given in the latter part of this chapter.

3.2 Conceptual Framework

Conceptual framework can be defined as the process which the entire research pathway is depended on. In other words, a conceptual framework is a systematic process in which key variables, indicators or factors which are expected to be studied in the proposed research study is indicated. The conceptual framework given below is developed by the author based on the facts gathered through literature review indicated under chapter two which include theories, frameworks and models belonging to a research subject area and past research studies conducted by previous authors.

It visualise the connections and associations between the dependant variable (Role of the internet in business models) and independant variables (Communication, Corporate Image, Revenue, Human Resource & Database Management) .The possible independant variables and to the subjected dependant variable is illustrated as follows

Dependent Variable

Independent Variables

Role of the interent in business models

Role of Interent in event sector business models


Corporate Image


Human Resource

Database Management

Through the above indicated model, the author of this researche intends to identify the key roles played by the internet in event sector business models in London.

3.3 Rationalization of Variables

As discussed in earlier chapters , the author of this research identified and selected the independent variables indicated above is based on the various subjects related theories, models, frameworks and past researchers conducted by various authors as well as the theoretical models given. Summerized studies on variables such as Communication, Corporate Image, Revenue, Human Resource and Database management are highlighted below.

3.3.1 Communication

(Morley 2012) in her research article argued that the internet is increasingly used by business organizations as a key tool in the development of relationship with its consumers. This research paper went on to explain that different internet communication facet (e.i. frequency, mode, content and duration) are being used at different stages of the relationship building process and that call for such different communication facets are needed due to different characteristics posses at different stages of relationship building. However, it was noted that in order to build up close and personalized relationship between business and consumers, more personal and interactive modes of internet communication methods should be deployed.

3.3.2 Corporate Image

(Simmons 2007) stated that through the use of internet organizations open up new pathways to develop an organization’s brand image on a global market arena. The author argued that by improving the online presence of the organizations through mediums such as websites, interactive and social media networks, etc enable organizations to reach out millions of potential customers worldwide and expand its overall market reach.

3.3.3 Revenue

In her article (Arevuo 2014) stated that internet plays a key role in 21st century business in terms revenue generation as well as sustaining the business in highly competitive global market arena. Fast and affordable internet coupled with increase development of superior infrastructures throughout globally means that consumers possess the capability of gaining access to more information with regard to the products and services offered by within the market and make purchase decisions at any given point of time. Likewise with the development of the internet not only organizations was able to reach market segments which were previously not viable, it also enabled businesses to conduct business transactions without the need of having a physical business premises.

3.3.4 Human Resource

In terms of internet and its role in the management of human resources within business organizations, (Lewis 2009) in his journal publication indicated that latest technology with special reference to the internet has continued to have a significant impact to the daily HR practices of an organization. He stated that many organizations actively use the internet for conduct HR processes such as recruitment and selection to providing training programs for new recruits. Through the use of the internet many organizations posses the capability of enhancing the efficiency of the recruitment process of the organization by amalgamating the internet to provide state of the art selection and training mechanisms where the actual skills and competencies of the applicants can be put into test in real time environment and make an informed decision in the same time.

3.3.5 Database management

As per (Chetty 2001) one of the key role played by the internet in many organizations is the effective data management and restoration. Prior to the introduction of the internet, many organizations carried out manual entry and book maintenance as data storage mechanisms which was time consuming, costly and space consuming. With the introduction of the internet, organizations were able to store valuable data and information on cloud servers where if and when an information is needed. It can be retrieved within a shorter time period at a lesser cost. Also with the amalgamation of internet organizations were able to streamline its day to day processes and benchmark its processes with industry leaders and make adjustments to improve the efficiency and final output to the market.

3.4 Formulation of Hypothesis

Hypotheses can be defined as a testable question or a statement which has a relationship with a dependent variable and can be solved through analytical testing. (Sekaran 2003) Below are the possible hypothesis that can be evaluated based on the literature review and conceptual framework developed in the early part of this research paper. These hypotheses can be illustrated as follows.

3.5 Research Design

This section would focus upon the research design that would be followed up by the author in order to conduct this research study further. Within this section, the author would explain the research approach and methodology undertook, sampling and data collection method utilized to gather data relevant for the research study and finally statistical analysis tools utilized to convert raw research data into descriptive analysis.

Common social research defined two common research approaches that can be undertaken by research authors in order to conduct research studies. These two research approaches can be classified as quantitative research and qualitative research. The quantitative research approach can be best described as a research approach where the data analysis and research findings would be heavily favored towards numerical measures where the research findings would be analyzed through several mathematical analysis tools. On the other hand qualitative research approach, focus on gaining understanding into an underlying reason or a phenomena by obtaining an overall opinion, observations and speculations which can’t be quantified numerically. (Sekaran 2003) Therefore, these types of research can be recognized as a more exploratory research method.

For the purpose of this proposed research study the author has decided to venture ahead with quantitative research approach. This decision is taken mainly due to the fact that the main source of information gathered for the proposed study has been through primary source of data means (questionnaires and secondary source of publications) and as such the research data can be quantified in numeric terms.

3.5.1 Sampling

Sample can be defined as a process which involves selecting quantifiable units from a general population of interest so that by analyzing the sample would enable the research author to generalize the findings to the overall population from which the sample was initially taken. General business research theories define two common sampling techniques: which are probability sampling and non probability sampling. Probability sampling is where each unit in a given sample has the equal probability of being selected there the probability can be accurately identified.

On the otherhand non probability sampling is where the chance of each unit from the given sample being selected into final analysis can’t be accurately identified and the probability of such chances can’t be accurately calculated. (Sekaran 2003) For the proposed research study the author has selected the probability sampling technique where each unit is given equal chance of being selected.

3.5.2 Data Collection

For any social or business research data collection can be done mainly through primary data or secondary data collection methods. Primary data are those data and information which are gathered directly from the research subject and sources which does not require any amendments. For the proposed research study primary source of information had been gathered through likert questionnaires distributed among 15 small and medium event sector organizations managers operating in London.

On the otherhand, secondary source of information are those data which are not directly linked to the subject source but can be utilized in order to gain an overall understanding about the research study. For the proposed research secondary source of information such as websites, industry journals, past research studies and articles will be utilized.

3.5.3. Data Analysis

Once the required data has been gathered, the author would input the data into Mini Tap software in order to derive descriptive analysis with regard to the data gathered. Excel would be used to draw graps and tables to discripe the data.

3.5.4. Quetiontinare Relation to the Conceptional Framework

It is very crucial to point out in which technique the particular questions of the questionnaire were linked to the conceptual framework with independent and dependent variables in order to gain a better understanding of how possible answers were affected the conceptual framework. The five point scale would be used to measure the degree of perceived impacts of internet brought onto the event sector organizations in London?” For each question there were five values on the scale, those were strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree and strongly disagree. Statement numbers would be positively scaled in the questionnaire, the effectiveness would be come to the maximum level when a statement was perceived as “strongly agree”. Accordingly “strongly disagree” could be concluded as that factor affect to employer branding in the minimum way.

3.5.5. Justification of the conceptional framework

Y = X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + C

Y – Impacts of internet brought onto the event sector organizations in London

X1 – Effective Communication.

X2 – Developing Coperate Image

X3 – Human Resource Management

X4 – Generating Revenue

X5 – Data Mangement

Find out the values for the dependent and independent variables, for the each variables two questions were used and those averages were taken.

3.6 Ethical Consideration

Ethical considerations in research very crucial.  Ethics are the standards doing what is right and avoiding the wrongs (Resnik & Ph, 2014). The researcher should take actions to reduce the probability of intrusion into the autonomy of study participants by all means. When highly compound matters and issues are concerned, specially the business related informations because the competitors may get advantages from the valuble informations. All the participants of the research should be informed regarding the research objective and the purpose ideally during data gathering sessions. It is sometimes crucial that the researcher clarify in writing or verbally which persons can have access to the initial data and how the data might be used.

Informed consent has been recognized as an essential portion of ethics because researches carried out for different reasons, in different environment and different techniques. The participants who would participate in this research, the managers who were doing event sector busineeness in London, they would be fully informed about the procedures of the research, objectives of the research and risks involved in this research also would give their consent to participate. The main objective of informed consent pressures the researcher’s responsibility to completely inform the participants in comprehensible or the convenience language. Explanations want to be included the research findings, the nature of the study, the participant’s potential role, the identity of the researcher, the funding body, the objective of the research, how the results will be analyzed, published and used (Approaches, 1980)

3.7 Gantt chart

Gantt chart is representing the visual clarifications of the time tasks. By the oe of the the Gantt chart decision makers, project managers, researchers and other stake holders can calendar their resources and their time to complete the tasks in a efficient manner (Santiago & Magallon, 2009).

Activity Days
15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180
Problem identification
Literature review
Proposal writing
Proposal, presentation submission  
Data collection
Data analysis
Report writing

Chapter Four – Results and Discussions

4.1 Hypothesis Testing

The purpose of researcher was to test 05 hypotheses in this particular research regarding the variables which impacts of internet brought onto the event sector organizations in London. Hypotheses were based on independent variables of communication, brand image of the company, revenue, human resource management and data management. The results of hypothesis testing have shown as below.

H1 – Internet positively play a key role in developing the effective communication.

Correlation between effective communication and the internet in the event sector organization in London. Correlation value – 0.7754 P-value – 0.150

The researcher had selected two questions under the independent variable to assess the degree of the impact on the communication via the internet on the event sector organization in London. Researcher had developed H1 hypothesis to identify whether communication via the internet would impact in the event sector organization in the London.

The correlations between particular variables would be calculated by the researcher to recognize the relationship. The correlation coefficient value indicates how strong a linear relationship be present between two numeric variables. The correlation coefficient should be always a number between -1.0 and +1.0. If the correlation coefficient value is closer to +1.0, then there is a strong positive linear relationship between two variables. Hence if one variable increases, the other variable will increase simultaneously. If the correlation coefficient is closer to -1.0, there is a strong negative linear relationship between two variables. Hence if one variable increases, the other variable will decrease simultaneously. If the correlation coefficient is closer to zero then there is no linear relationship exists between two variables.

When analyzing the collected data the correlation coefficient between the communication via the internt (Independent variable) and the effect on the event sector organization (Dependent variable) was 0.7754. This would indicate positive strong liner relationship between above mentioned two variables. Also the P value of communication was very low that means chance of getting a observation if the communication via the internet are zero is 0.150 so there was a significant relationship between communication via the internet and the event sector organization in London.

H2 – Internet positively play a key role in developing coporate image within the business model.

The researcher had developed two important questions under independent variable of coporate image to assess the impact of the internet on the event sector organizations in the London. According to the data it was proved that there was a negative correlation value between the coporate image and internet impact. Hence when the event sector organization coporate image will reduce when the internet impact increased. Eventhough impact was negative the relationship was very small because the coeeffcient correlation value was only – 0.206.

P value of coporate image was low ( the limit is 0.5) that means chance of getting a observation if the coporate image impacts were zero was 0.490 so there was a significant relationship between internet impact and the coporate image.

H3 – Internet play a key role in management of human resource within business model.

As the researcher has analyzed correlation coefficient value between HRM and internet impact on the event sector organization in London was – 0.132 which was indicating that there was negative slight relationship between HRM and the internet impact.

According to the P value 0.790 it was indicating that there was not any significant relationship between the impact of the internet and the HRM.

H4 – Interent play a key role in generating revenue for business models.

Revenue play a significant role in event sector organization main objective of the companies are generating revenue. subject. Therefore when considering with other independent variables, revenue shows significant value in the analysis. Correlation coefficient between revenue and internet impact was 0.040 which shows a very small positive relationship between two variables.

P value of revenue was also quite high 0.890 it was showing that there was no significant relationship between the revene and impact of the internet in the event sector organizations in London.

H-5 Interent play a key role in effective database management within business models.

Correlation coefficient between effective database management and the impact on the internet was -0.249 which shows a low negative relationship between two variables.

P value of the data base management also near to 0.5 exactly 0.492 hence there was no significant relationship between two variables.

4.2 Results

Multiple regression analysis done for all five independent variables together

Variable Definition Coefficient P- value T- value
X1 Communication 0.774 0.215 1.33
X2 Brand Image -0.2057 0.490 -0.72
X3 HRM -0.1325 0.795 -0.27
X4 Revenue 0.040 0.890 0.14
X5 Data Management -0.2492 0.492 -0.72
  • According to the above coefficient, P value and T value obviously we can determine that the data management via the internet not impact on business (no positive relationship)
  • Hence, without the X5 find the predictors scores for impact as
Variable Definition Coefficient P- value T-value
X1 Communication 0.6236 0.232 1.44
X2 Brand Image 0.2750 0.546 -0.63
X3 HRM -0.1216 0.806 -0.25
X4 Revenue 0.0991 0.712 0.38
  • According to the above coefficient ,P-value and T-value we can determine the promoting the Brade image via the internet not impact on the event organizations in London.
  • So without the X2 find the predictors scores for impact as
Variable Definition Coefficient P- value T-value
X1 Communication 0.6294 0.163 1.49
X3 HRM -0.041 0.929 -0.09
X4 Revenue 0.1314 0.608 0.53
  • According to the above coefficient, P-value and T-value we can determine that HRM via the internet not impact on the event sector organizations in the London.
  • So without the X3 find the predictors scores for impact as
Variable Definition Coefficient P- value T-value
X1 Communication 0.2979 0.035 2.17
X4 Revenue 0.3792 0.004 3.00
  • According to the above correlation, coefficient ,P-value and T-value we can determine that communication and revenue generation via the internet positivivly impact on the event organization in the London.

Chapter Five – Findings and Conclusion

5.1 Introduction

The earlier chapters have detailed the reasons for undertaking this particular study. The relevant literature and proper research methodology were reviewed, and the results gained from data analysis were presented. This chapter aims to discuss the key results and observations of this particular thesis. According to the data analysis and interpretation event sector organization have to concertrate on the communication and the revenue stereams via the internet to sustain in the maket in London. In the dynamic world mediam and small event sector organizations have to concentrate on the E- business, E commerce and othe relevant internet activities to compete with the big guns in the market. According to this particular research, there are five factors which can be influenced on this regard. Those are communication, brand image, HRM, revenue and data management. According to the data collection and analysis the researcher can come to a conclusion as follows.

5.2 Findings

The findings will be centered on answering the main research question which What are the impacts of internet brought onto the event sector organizations in London?” secondary qustions are to identify the key roles played by the internet in event sector organization in London, to identify the positive and negative impact created by the internet on even sector organization in London and to identify suitable recommendations for event sector organizations in amalgamation of internet for day to day operations. In the conceptual model five main independent variables were hypothesized to identify the positive relationship with dependent variable of the impact. The findings in this chapter will focus on examining the results of testing the five hypotheses proposed in the conceptual framework; that is H1 Interent play a key role in developing effective communication within business models, Interent play a key role in developing corporate image within business models, H3 Interent play a key role in generating revenue for business models, H4 Interent play a key role in management of human resournce within business models and H5 Interent play a key role in effective database management within business models.

Based on the mounting evidence from analyzing and interpretation, several vital factors have identified through the correlation and the multiple regression analysis. According to the data that obtained from the analysis internet play a key role in effective communication and generating revenue for the business models in London. According to the correation and P value the the internet highly influence the effective communication in the business models in London next the revenue. The factors data base management, HRM and coporate image do not have significate impact on the business models may be the researcher had taken small and medium size event sector organization for research purposes some time small and median size business are still new for the internet business.

Researcher found out that the communication via the social net works, websites and maketing via web 2 toll make a significant influence in the event business sector. The methods were very cost effective because in one time organization can cover lor of clients without big effect. Normally in the industry in the London who are performing well, there utilize the internet to get the competitive advantages.

5.3 Conclusion

In the dynamic world internet is very important to sustain in the dynamic world. Specially who are dealing with the event sector organization in London. Eventhough internet highly impact on different procedures in the event sector organization in London internet has a high impact on communication and the revenue generation. The organizatins which are doing th business in the event sector has concentrate on the internet to sustain in the market. Specially they have make strategies to utilize the internet in the communication metohs as well as the revenue generation streams to get competitive advantage in the London market.

5.4 Limitations of the Study

1. Time constrains

Since the research should submit within a limited time period all the sub activities of the research should complete within very small time periods. After a certain time allocated for revising previous researches and articles related to the research topic, time constrains would be highly appeared in data collection, data analysis activities and relevant activities.

2. Self reporting may create biasness

Questionnaires would be used for the primary data collection method for this particular research. Those questionnaires would be filled by the manager while they are working. Hence the time and situation which the questionnaires were distributed would be caused to create biasness towards the respondents. If the researcher would be able to distribute questionnaires in more than one time to gather data and accordingly data analysis would be differed from the current and more meaningful and accurate towards the conclusion of the research.

3. The research was limited to the several organization in particular sector in London. Accordingly all the data collection, analysis recommendations were focusing on limited organizations. Therefore the findings of this research may not be fully applicable to another organization, other country in different environment.

Chapter Six- Bibliography

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Chapter Seven – Appendix

7.1 Research Questionnaire

This survey is designed to assess the employee branding. The participation in this survey is voluntary, but your input is highly valued.

01. I feel that I have enlarged my business by the use of the internet
I. Strongly Agree II. Agree III. Either Agree nor Disagree IV. Disagree
V. Strongly Disagree
02. The internet highly helpful to achieve my objectives
I. Strongly Agree II. Agree III. Either Agree nor Disagree IV. Disagree
V. Strongly Disagree
03. I can make aware my clients via the internet
I. Strongly Agree II. Agree III. Either Agree nor Disagree IV. Disagree
V. Strongly Disagree
04. I can communicate my business procedures to my stakeholders via the internet

I. Strongly Agree II. Agree III. Either Agree nor Disagree IV. Disagree

V. Strongly Disagree

05. The company reputation has increased due to the internet usage in the business procedures

I. Strongly Agree II. Agree III. Either Agree nor Disagree IV. Disagree

V. Strongly Disagree

06. The customers are well aware about business due to the internet

I. Strongly Agree II. Agree III. Either Agree nor Disagree IV. Disagree

V. Strongly Disagree

07. Normally recruitment procedures have been done via the internet

I. Strongly Agree II. Agree III. Either Agree nor Disagree IV. Disagree

    1. Strongly Disagree

08. The salary and other benefits to the employees will be done via internet banking system

I. Strongly Agree II. Agree III. Either Agree nor Disagree IV. Disagree
V. Strongly Disagree
09. I have increased my revenue by the use internet
I. Strongly Agree II. Agree III. Either Agree nor Disagree IV. Disagree

V. Strongly Disagree

10. I can be able to find new revene streams via the internet

I. Strongly Agree II. Agree III. Either Agree nor Disagree IV. Disagree
V. Strongly Disagree
11. The company ERP system is more effective
I. Strongly Agree II. Agree III. Either Agree nor Disagree IV. Disagree

V. Strongly Disagree

12. The internet highly helpful to protect my valuable data
I. Strongly Agree II. Agree III. Either Agree nor Disagree IV. Disagree

V. Strongly Disagree

Questions Relevent Area
1 and 2 Internet Impact
3 and 4 Communication
5 and 6 Brand Image
7 and 8 HRM
9 and 10 Revenue
11 and 12 Data Management

7.2 Results of the questions

Impact (Y) Communication (X1) Image (X2) HRM (X3) Revenue (X4) Data Managemnt(X5)
4 4 5 4 2 1 4 5 3 2 1 2
3 5 5 5 1 2 5 5 2 1 3 4
3 2 2 3 3 5 3 2 1 1 1 1
5 5 4 4 2 1 3 4 2 2 3 2
4 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2
3 3 3 2 1 1 4 4 3 5 1 1
5 5 4 4 3 2 4 5 1 2 1 2
3 5 3 5 2 1 4 4 1 1 3 2
3 4 5 3 3 3 2 5 2 3 3 2
3 3 4 3 2 2 4 3 1 1 3 3
5 3 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 1 1 2
4 4 5 3 2 2 3 4 1 2 3 1
3 4 5 3 1 2 5 3 1 1 3 2
5 4 3 4 2 2 4 4 2 3 3 2
4 3 5 3 1 4 4 5 2 2 4 1

7.3 Average values of the data

Y1 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
4 4.5 1.5 4.5 2.5 1.5
4 5 1.5 5 1.5 3.5
2.5 2.5 4 2.5 1 1
5 4 1.5 3.5 2 2.5
3.5 3 2 3 1 2
3 2.5 1 4 4 1
5 4 2.5 4.5 1.5 1.5
4 4 1.5 4 1 2.5
3.5 4 3 3.5 2.5 2.5
3 3.5 2 3.5 1 3
4 3.5 1.5 3.5 2 1.5
4 4 2 3.5 1.5 2
3.5 4 1.5 4 1 2.5
4.5 3.5 2 4 2.5 2.5
3.5 4 2.5 4.5 2 2.5

7.4 Multiple Regression Analysis

————— 1/21/2017 12:37:39 AM ————————————————————

Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help.

Regression Analysis: Y1 versus X1, X2, X3, X4, X5

The regression equation is

Y1 = 2.29 + 0.774 X1 – 0.206 X2 – 0.132 X3 + 0.040 X4 – 0.249 X5

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 2.288 1.715 1.33 0.215

X1 0.7744 0.4920 1.57 0.150

X2 -0.2057 0.2858 -0.72 0.490

X3 -0.1325 0.4955 -0.27 0.795

X4 0.0400 0.2803 0.14 0.890

X5 -0.2492 0.3483 -0.72 0.492

S = 0.684562 R-Sq = 38.9% R-Sq(adj) = 4.9%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 5 2.6824 0.5365 1.14 0.404

Residual Error 9 4.2176 0.4686

Total 14 6.9000

Source DF Seq SS

X1 1 2.1280

X2 1 0.2469

X3 1 0.0034

X4 1 0.0642

X5 1 0.2399

Unusual Observations

Obs X1 Y1 Fit SE Fit Residual St Resid

7 4.00 5.000 3.961 0.479 1.039 2.12R

R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual.

————— 1/21/2017 8:20:11 AM ————————————————————

Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help.

Retrieving project from file: ‘D:VICTORD0009MINITAB.MPJ’

Results for: Worksheet 3

Regression Analysis: Y1 versus X1, X2, X3, X4

The regression equation is

Y1 = 2.10 + 0.624 X1 – 0.172 X2 – 0.122 X3 + 0.099 X4

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 2.103 1.654 1.27 0.232

X1 0.6236 0.4336 1.44 0.181

X2 -0.1719 0.2750 -0.63 0.546

X3 -0.1216 0.4830 -0.25 0.806

X4 0.0991 0.2612 0.38 0.712

S = 0.667651 R-Sq = 35.4% R-Sq(adj) = 9.6%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 4 2.4424 0.6106 1.37 0.312

Residual Error 10 4.4576 0.4458

Total 14 6.9000

Source DF Seq SS

X1 1 2.1280

X2 1 0.2469

X3 1 0.0034

X4 1 0.0642

Unusual Observations

Obs X1 Y1 Fit SE Fit Residual St Resid

7 4.00 5.000 3.770 0.387 1.230 2.26R

R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual.

Regression Analysis: Y1 versus X1, X3, X4

The regression equation is

Y1 = 1.37 + 0.629 X1 – 0.041 X3 + 0.131 X4

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 1.372 1.135 1.21 0.252

X1 0.6294 0.4213 1.49 0.163

X3 -0.0412 0.4525 -0.09 0.929

X4 0.1314 0.2488 0.53 0.608

S = 0.648906 R-Sq = 32.9% R-Sq(adj) = 14.6%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 3 2.2681 0.7560 1.80 0.206

Residual Error 11 4.6319 0.4211

Total 14 6.9000

Source DF Seq SS

X1 1 2.1280

X3 1 0.0228

X4 1 0.1174

Results for: Worksheet 7

Regression Analysis: Y1 versus X1, X4

The regression equation is

Y1 = 1.35 + 0.599 X1 + 0.119 X4

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 1.349 1.060 1.27 0.227

X1 0.5992 0.2484 2.41 0.033

X4 0.1191 0.2002 0.59 0.563

S = 0.621514 R-Sq = 32.8% R-Sq(adj) = 21.6%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 2 2.2647 1.1323 2.93 0.092

Residual Error 12 4.6353 0.3863

Total 14 6.9000

Source DF Seq SS

X1 1 2.1280

X4 1 0.1367

Unusual Observations

Obs X1 Y1 Fit SE Fit Residual St Resid

6 2.50 3.000 3.323 0.519 -0.323 -0.95 X

X denotes an observation whose X value gives it large influence.

Regression Analysis: Y1 versus X1

The regression equation is

Y1 = 1.65 + 0.575 X1

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 1.6528 0.9054 1.83 0.091

X1 0.5751 0.2389 2.41 0.032

S = 0.605870 R-Sq = 30.8% R-Sq(adj) = 25.5%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 2.1280 2.1280 5.80 0.032

Residual Error 13 4.7720 0.3671

Total 14 6.9000



