Author: tutlance

  • My Assignment Is Due Tomorrow

    My Assignment Is Due Tomorrow

    If your assignment is due tomorrow, I guess that you don’t have much time to waste and you should embark on the process of writing the assignment right now. I understand that you are probably feeling stressful about this, but if you manage to complete your assignment today, your teacher will most likely be satisfied with your…

  • Would Poor People In Rural Areas Of Vietnam Be Justified Pursuing Marxist Revolution?

    Would Poor People In Rural Areas Of Vietnam Be Justified Pursuing Marxist Revolution? Student’s Name Need help with essays, dissertations, homework, and assignments? Stop wasting time and post your project on tutlance and get a real professional to do your work at CHEAP prices. Watch while Tutlance experts outbid each other. SAVE MY TIME! Institutional…

  • Women, Power, and Feminism Essay

     Essay on Women, Power, and Feminism Violence against women is a global issue, and recently, various women shelters and women centers have been identified as a crucial aspect in opposing violence against women. While joint efforts are being made by different organizations such as government agencies, non-governmental organizations to offer support and services to women…

  • Why online classes are not effective?

    Online classes and courses have become very popular in the recent past. This is not surprising considering the availability and access to online learning opportunities in both developed and developing countries. These courses and classes can be offered by universities (both big and small) and private companies; you only need a computer with Internet connection.…

  • Why is chemistry so hard? – Make studying chem easy

    Here are are some of the basic reasons why many students shy away from chemistry thinking that chemistry is a very hard subject to study in college or pursue as a career subject. After reviewing the 4 key reasons listed below you will be able to make a conclusion that chemistry is not hard and…

  • Why homework is bad – Reasons why homework is not necessary

    The question of whether homework is bad or good has been the subject of debate for many years. The argument for homework is that it prepares students for higher education, helps them to understand and apply concepts taught in class, and provides extra practice. On the other hand there are also arguments against homework: it…

  • Why does reading make me sleepy?

    Why does reading make me sleepy?

  • Why do teachers give so much homework

    Why do teachers give so much homework

  • Who Invented School Tests? – Standardised tests, exams

    School testing is a way for schools to measure how well your child or student is doing in their studies. It can also help the school assess if they are meeting certain standards, while also helping teachers identify areas that need improvement. It’s important to know what tests your child will be taking and when…

  • Who Invented School and Why – Reasons, Origin of school, history

    Who invented school? The concept of school as a place where students go to receive an education has been around for hundreds years. Yeah, right! Before schools were invented kids played and learned from each other. Schools are not good because kids only play at recess, sit silently in class, don’t use time well: waste…