The Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences And Non-Communicable Diseases In The United States

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To preface, I have a final poster project due on April 26th to reflect the work carried out through the semester. For this presentation, I must gather data available online from previous studies, surveys, and dataset, which will require the use of SAS to anaylze data, visualize, and generate a report summary, graphs, etc. The research question I am working on is generally regarding the association between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) and non-communicable diseases in the United States. I have to make sure that in this poster, I fulfill my role and responsibility as listed below. To do so, I have to address three Masters of Public Health (MPH) Core Competency, which are also listed below. 


Role and resposibility:
1. To review literature and synthesise data
2. To critically assess previous research data and use publicly available data to perform various analyses

3. To assist the preceptor with metabolic syndrome research and data cleaning and using SAS 


  1. MPH 2.  Select quantitative and qualitative data collection methods appropriate for a given public health context. 
    How will I do this? Data collection and review
  2. MPH 3.  Analyze quantitative and qualitative data using biostatistics, informatics, computer-based programming and software, as appropriate.
    How will I do this? Use SAS to clean and analyse data, visualise and generate summary report
  3. MPH4. Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy or practice.                                                                                 
  4. How will I do this? Research


Feel free to use any database (i.e. CDC) containing existing dataset from current or previous research study. There are no limitations to this poster project as long as we touch bases with the compentencies listed.


I will provide an example, and template to use.


What to fill in in each section:


Background- Provide background info about adverse childhood experience and it association with non-communicable diseases (i.e. chronic diseases). You may alsot provide information about metabolc syndrome. Make sure to cite


Purpose: Copy and past the role & responsibility and compentencies listed


Material & Methods: Be sure to describe your activities (“materials and methods”) in a way that connects the dots from your competencies to the demonstration of those. This is where you can thoroughly detail how you found the data you collected (i.e. CDC and etc.), what programming/software used, how you chose to visualize the report. What are some specific indicators, trends, etc.


Pictures: Graphs, reports, and at least two graphs generated from SAS. Remaing data can come from online sources


Results: This would be an anaylsis of the data present


Conclusion: Implications of the data collect and suggestions



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