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College Biochemistry Homework Help Online, Assignment Topics & Answers

The study of biochemistry as a scientific discipline grew out of physiological chemistry due to the inability to measure any effect on biological substances at the cellular or molecular level. It began with studies into digestion and respiration, leading into investigations of metabolism and the composition of organisms as a whole.

The term biochemistry was coined by Eduard Buchner when he created the word in 1887 from two Greek words, bios (life) and chemeia (art/science of), which meant to indicate that his research would be concerned with the chemical processes of living organisms. To reflect this broad scope, it is necessary to view its history variously, both by periods in human history and by focusing on specific developments according to discipline or organism studied.

What is biochemistry?

By definition, biochemistry is the study of the fundamental processes and interactions that occur within living systems, which include organisms, organelles,and biomolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids.

How is biochemistry different from biology?

Biochemistry differs from biology in that it more closely examines the occurrence and interactions of these biological molecules but does not necessarily directly study living things—instead, it investigates the chemical processes of life in terms of how living systems, themselves, are composed. 

Considerable differences exist between different fields within biochemistry; for example, pharmaceuticals focus on drugs used against certain diseases (e.g., antibiotics), while other areas may focus on foodstuffs or natural products such as remedies found in plants or animals. 

In the beginning of life on Earth, there were only simple and unicellular organisms which are incapable of independently carrying out certain functions; these must be provided for them by their environment if they are to survive. Some of the most basic examples include an atmosphere containing oxygen, hydrogen to be used as a reducing agent, and organic compounds such as carbohydrate to provide energy through respiration – all of these can be seen today in extant species. The subsequent evolution (first emergence) of multicellular organisms constituted a massive change in the way life existed – it required cooperation between many different cells in order to ensure that individual cells carried out the activities necessary for survival while other cells developed into diverse lineages which were able to perform specialized functions. This meant that certain biochemical processes (respiration) could occur in tandem for the benefit of the organism as a whole and could no longer be controlled by individual cells, making it necessary for other agents to act upon them instead; these are known as enzymes. 

There is also great competition between organisms which requires efficient recycling of nutrients so that more can be obtained when an organism cannot obtain enough from its environment.

Enzymes play an important role in this process since they facilitate chemical reactions which convert one type of molecule into another so that it may be recycled; they provide specificity to ensure that only molecules with a specific structure are acted upon. 

Tutlance tutoring help is a professional academic writing service, that offers cheap biochemistry homework assignments answers. We specialize in writing and editing assignments for college students on the topics of biochemistry and physiology. If you need assistance with your paper or any other type of assignment. You can also post your queries via our "Live Chat" feature available on the top right corner of every page or directly request a free plagiarism report to ensure that we are providing you with authentic content created by experienced writers belonging to different cultural backgrounds. Talk to our biochemistry tutors online for cheap biochemistry help for college students.

List of biochemistry assignment topics

Biochemistry topics that you can use if your teacher has asked for you to find research topics related to biochemistry or if you want great biochemistry related topics for presentation. Feel free to review the following list of interesting biochemistry topics for assignment for college students.

  1. Properties of the cytoplasm
  2. For a given number of amino acids, which is more dense: DNA or protein?
  3. Write a chromatographic case report - You must write a 1000 words essay on this bichemistry topic.
  4. How does transcription occur in all eukaryotes? 
  5. Describe the general structure and function of a virus
  6. What are some examples of monosaccharides?
  7. What is 3-carbon sugar?
  8. Explain the difference between catabolic and anabolic reactions in terms of cellular respiration. 
  9. How does each reaction involve ATP?
  10. What happens to the electrons that are gained or lost in ATP reactions?
  11. Oxidation is loss (removal) of hydrogen atoms while reduction is gain (addition) of hydrogen atoms. What are some examples for each type of reaction? When would one normally be accompanied by the other?
  12. What occurs if an oxidation/reduction reaction is not accompanied by the other type at a time when it must happen? Explain how that could occur.
  13. Explain how photosynthesis occurs in both plants and algae.
  14. Describe DNA polymerase role in replication of DNA.
  15. What prevents the two strands from becoming tangled when they separate?
  16. Explain the difference between Bacteria and Eukaryotes on Ultrastructural Basis for Differences in Protein Synthesis
  17. What are the main differences between protein synthesis in bacteria vs. eukaryotes? Why do they differ? 
  18. Define each term and state its importance/role in the process of protein synthesis: ribosomes, rRNA, mRNA, tRNAs, ribosomal P proteins.
  19. DNA Replication- Transcription- Translation happens in same order but separately for both bacteria and eukaryotes (exception: simultaneous transcription + translation eg retroviruses) Why this is the case?
  20. Explain proteins and nucleic acid interactions.
  21. What is enzyme polymorphism?
  22. What are some examples of enzyme polymorphism among cells or in the same cell at different times due to change in gene expression levels?
  23. Explain how enzyme polymorphism can cause drug resistance and what effect this has on potential treatment options for HIV/AIDS. Why this occurs.
  24. Give 2 examples of genetic disorders and explain each one: hereditary hemochromatosis, sickle cell anemia.
  25. Discuss why we have single amino acids - 20 types (20AAs) instead of around 100 kinds...explain how this affects protein folding.
  26. Discuss how it can cause drug resistance and what effect this has on potential treatment options for HIV/AIDS. Why this occurs.
  27. Describe the general structure and function of a virus .
  28. Define apoptosis
  29. What defines programmed cell death (apoptosis versus natural senescence)?
  30. Briefly describe some common methods used to treat cancer.
  31. Which cancers normally respond best to which treatments, why?
  32. What are some key things that make the HIV virus so deadly?
  33. How can our immune system be weakened? Why do different people react differently to certain infections/vaccines (reduced vaccination effectiveness)?
  34. What are some general things that affect gene expression in a cell, describe each one: (temperature/ph level/surrounding environment), mutation, variation in environment levels/changes in gene expression.
  35. Explain the most stable factors that affect gene expression in a cell
  36. Explain what Horizontal gene transfer involves and discuss a few examples of its importance.

These are some of the most interesting biochemistry topics for your homework. You can check our research paper topics for interesting biochemistry topics for presentation, biochemistry dissertation examples or interesting biochemistry research topics.

Biochemistry Assignment Essay Examples

Here are a few examples of biochemistry assignment topics that you can write about:

Differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration

There are differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration: Aerobic respiration requires oxygen for the process to occur while anaerobic respiration processes do not need any. 

Aerobic respiration occurs in the mitochondria and produces water, carbon dioxide and energy for the cell through their electron transport chain. Anaerobic respiration can take place either in or outside of the mitochondria. 

Heterotrophs (animals) obtain their food from autotrophs (plants or other organisms such as bacteria).

The heterotrophs break down large molecules containing carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and others into smaller ones so that they may be used by themselves; a few examples are glycolysis to produce glucose, chyme to produce amino acids, citric acid cycle to produce pyruvate and finally the electron transport chain. 

Glycolysis is a process that occurs in the cytoplasm of a cell. First, it oxidizes glucose with oxygen to produce pyruvic acid then it breaks down pyruvic acid into 2 molecules of lactic acid while releasing energy for the cell (ATP). It is known as anaerobic respiration because no oxygen is required to take place although it does produce carbon dioxide and water which are waste products from the process--this happens within the mitochondria.

Chyme digestion can also be considered glycolysis since it uses many enzymes to break down large molecules containing carbohydrates, fats and proteins into smaller ones using ATP or other cofactors to help break down the molecules (also happens in the cytoplasm).

The citric acid cycle is located entirely within the mitochondria, and first oxidizes pyruvic acid into carbon dioxide then releases energy for the cell through ATP. The citric acid cycle has many steps it goes through including: converting pyruvate into acetyl CoA which later becomes oxaloacetate, converting oxaloacetate into alpha-ketoglutarate, breaking down alpha-ketoglutarate to succinyl CoA and finally producing CO2 from succination and fumarate (donates electrons to the chain as well) although these are only a few of them--it's very important for animals because they need this to break down glucose from glycolysis.

Finally, the electron transport chain is an important part of aerobic respiration that occurs within the mitochondria--it transfers electrons from NADH and FADH2, generating ATP for the cell through oxidative phosphorylation (the actual process behind how ATP is formed in all cells). Most of this happens with cytochrome c but it's important for animals because they need ATP to survive. 

In conclusion, both plants and animals are made up of many similar structures such as: plasma membrane, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, endocytic vesicles and Golgi apparatus as well as being composed of identical building blocks such as carbon-carbon bonds and phospholipids. Animals and plants are both heterotrophs that obtain their food from autotrophs (plants) and break down large molecules containing carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen etc into smaller ones so they can use them for themselves; animals do this through glycolysis in the cytoplasm of the cell using oxygen to make ATP while vegetables do it mainly through photosynthesis where they produce simple sugars with CO2 taken in from the environment through photosystem I. Plants require sunlight to live but animals don't need much energy since they get it by eating other organisms or plant parts unless an animal is a symbiotic organism that gets its nutrients by mutualism or commensalism with another living being.

Biochemistry Assignment Example Topic 2

What makes an enzyme an enzyme? 

Composition of plants and animals [to use as knowledge, not to be copied verbatim]: The cellular structure for most plants is made up of cellulose. Plant cells are filled with chloroplasts that contain about 10 percent glycerol phosphate. Both plants and animals have many different types of cell structures. Fungi have chitin (a polysaccharide) as their main component; they also have tubes within them called hyphae just like plant cells do but there are no chloroplasts. 

Animal cells have a complete nucleus present; plant cells only contain an incomplete nucleus.

Animals are heterotrophs meaning they cannot make their own food using photosynthesis and they must feed on other organisms to survive, while plants can do both (they can be autotrophs or heterotrophs depending on the environment).

Plant cells also have small holes called stomata that help them take in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis from the surrounding air.

Plants and animals both contain smooth endoplasmic reticulum that helps break down large molecules, mitochondria to produce energy through aerobic respiration, cytoskeleton to help keep the cell together and Golgi apparatus for packaging new proteins.

The main difference animal cells contain Golgi apparatus while plant cells contain a vacuole. 

Plants and animals both have plasma membrane but animal cells are composed of phospholipids while plants only have one layer of phospholipid in their membranes.

Animal cells have many tiny holes called fenestrae present which allow for better diffusion within the cell; plant cell membranes are just made up of phospholipids.

The main difference is that plant cell walls are composed of cellulose while animal cell walls are either collagen or chitin (for fungi). 

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What Are Key Topics In Biochemistry Homework Help?

Key topics in biochemistry homework help include enzyme kinetics, metabolic pathways, protein structure and function, DNA/RNA synthesis, and molecular genetics.

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You can get biochemistry assignment help online from platforms like Tutlance, which offer access to experienced tutors and comprehensive resources to tackle complex biochemical problems.

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Challenges in doing a biochemistry assignment include understanding complex biochemical reactions, memorizing metabolic pathways, mastering molecular biology techniques, and interpreting experimental data.

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Essential tools for biochemistry homework include molecular biology kits, enzyme assays, spectrophotometers, electrophoresis apparatus, and bioinformatics software for data analysis.

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